About Us
The purpose of the human rights association, My Way – My Choice, which was founded on 26 March 2021, is to work on all kinds of human rights issues, health freedoms, respect for the autonomy of individuals over their own bodies.
- We demand that: The Code of Physicians‘ Code of Ethics, the Helsinki Declaration, the United Nations Human Rights Convention, the Nurnberg Code, the Geneva Declaration of Physicians, the European Union Human Rights Convention, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of Iceland are respected in society.
Also, to ensure freedom of movement without restrictions and to prevent the establishment of a dictatorship in Iceland under the guise of protecting people’s health. Furthermore, to work to ensure that public administrations and regulators comply with laws and regulations, in terms of disclosure and the rights of individuals. The association will not be involved in any business activities. Our goal is to work on promotional issues in the community, through education on the website and on social media, as well as through other printing materials and various other ways, which develop alongside the company’s operations.
The association will face lawsuits if necessary.
All those who are interested in working towards the company’s goals.
Membership is based on registration in the company and the submission of the payment of the membership fee.
Now their various consequences are really coming to light, and we need more members, who are willing to sponsor lawsuits and other justice issues related to that deception and the lies that have been going on. We hope you will be able to support the cause by becoming a member of My Way – My Choice – or supporting us with an amount of your choice.
If you sign up for the company, you can deposit the membership fee into the company’s account and send an email to our chairman mrs. Sigurlaug Ragnarsdóttir sigurlaug@mittval.is with your email address to access the newsletter list.
Those of us on the board of MÍN LEID MITT VAL have been working every day, right after the end of the year 2020 before the organization was founded, on various issues to make people aware of the dangers of the Covid19 “vaccinations”.
Here you can find interesting articles about the experimental substances and advice on the side effects of the experimental Covid vaccines by our board members mrs. Guðrún Bergmann and Kristín Inga Þormar who writes a very popular and interesting columns on Mbl.is
- BA Ancient Art Historian
- Master in Sculptures ,Culture & Media
- Diploma in Tourism, Sales and Marketing Consultant
- Sculptural specialist, Art Guide & Videographer
- Media supervisor & museum consultant
- Human Rights Activist
Vice chairman
- Diploma in Travel marketing consultancy
- Personalized Luxury Travel Guide | Icelandic Royal Viking Descendant |
- Founder of the Health Freedom Association “Heilsufrelsi” in Iceland
- Translation of the book :”Desolving Illusions” by Susan Humphrey.
Archivist and proofreader
- Former Pilot for Icelandair Airlines
- Inviromental case studies in 5G
- Works in the Travel Industry in Iceland
- Columnist @Mbl.is
We have also repeatedly sent official letters by registered post to the Icelandic government, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the National Health Service, the Epidemiologist, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Children’s Affairs, the Minister of Personal Protection, as well as other leaders, as well as with policy witnesses at their homes. 2 years, most recently on November 30, 2022.
They are:
1. Call to the goverment of Iceland – in august 2021
2. Letter to the parlamentary welfare commitee in Iceland in agust 2021
3. Letter to the chief of medcal medcine in Iceland mr. Thorolfur Gudnason in desember 2021
4. Against Human rigths – by Guðrún Bergmann in january 2021
5. Comments on the Pfizer Vaccine by Guðrún Bergmann 2021
6. Letter to the Icelandic Data Protection Authority in desember 2021
7. Call to the minister of childrens affiars in Iceland by Sigurlaug Þ. Rganarsdóttir
8. Comments on the new quaratine law 2021 by Guðrún Bergmann
9. An open letter to the Minister of Children’s Affairs, the Health Protection of School Children, the Child Protection Office, the National Health Service, the Human Rights Office and the Ombudsman for Children in Iceland
10. Comment on the new quarantine law 2022 by Guðrún Bergmann
11. Comments on the new quarantine law 2022 by Leifur árnason
12. Comments on the new quarantine law 2022 by Thrándur Arnórsson
13. Comments on the new quarantine law by Kristín Þormar
14. My answer to prime minister mr.s Katrín Jakobsdóttir why we don’t want to become free experimental animals in an illegal drug experiment for Criminal Pfizer and their partners. – by Sigurlaug Þ. Ragnarsdóttir
15. The human rights organization “Mín Leið Mitt Val” has three times sent letters of guarantee regarding the experimental vaccines and their harmfulness to Icelandic rulers by registered mail in the past year without getting any or success.
16. The human rights organization MÍN LEID – MITT VAL is fighting with all its might against the private corporation WHO over Iceland’s sovereignty in health matters, and are demanding answers.
17. The human rights organization Mín Leið – Mitt Val is demanding answers from the Icelandic government regarding the possible effects of 5G on human health, about aerosol spraying over the stratosphere in Iceland and about the cost of quarantine within 14 days.
18. The Pfizer Biontech Vaccine Agreement in 2020 – Everything you need to know about the illeagal and secret Pfizer experimental clinical vaccine trial that was carried out without the knowledge of the Icelandic people and the Icelandic parlament members.
The annual fee is 9.500 isk
Bank details 0358-26-000347
Kennitala 660421-1220
1011 Scientific Evidence for the Life-Threatening Effects of C-19 Vaccines.
- https://mittval.is/akall-til-althingismanna-og-rikisstjornar-islands-thann-17-juni-arid-2021
- https://mittval.is/letter-to-the-parliamentary-welfare-committee-in-iceland/
- https://mittval.is/bref-til-velferdarnefndar-althingis
- https://mittval.is/bref-til-sottvarnarlaeknis
- https://mittval.is/bref-til-personuverndar
- https://mittval.is/akall-til-asmundar-einars-dadasonar-stodvadu-ologmaeta-lyfjatilraun-a-bornunum-okkar
- https://mittval.is/athugasemdir-vid-frumvarp-til-sottvarnalaga
- https://mittval.is/umsogn-um-ny-sottvarnalog-eftir-leif-arnason
- https://gudrunbergmann.is/athugasemdir-vid-boluefnid-fra-pfizer
- https://gudrunbergmann.is/gengid-a-mannrettindin
- https://mittval.is/forsaetis-og-heilbrigdisradherrar-islands-i-gegnum-sjukraskyrslur-theirra-islendinga-sem-ad-neita-ad-gerast-okeypis-tilraunadyr-fyrir-esb-og-criminal-pfizer
- https://gudrunbergmann.is/athugasemdir-vid-ny-sottvarnalog
- https://mittval.is/umsogn-min-um-frumvarp-til-sottvarnalaga
- https://mittval.is/mannrettindasamtokin-min-leid-mitt-val-hafa-thrivegis-sent-fra-ser-opin-bref-og-akoll-vardandi-tilraunaboluefnin-og-skadsemi-theirra-til-islenskra-radamanna-i-abyrgdarposti-a-sidast-lidnu-ari-en-h/
- https://mittval.is/opid-bref-til-barna-og-felagsmalaradherra-heilsuverndar-skolabarna-barnaverndarstofu-landlaeknisembaettisins-mannrettindastofu-islands-og-umbodsmanns-barna-a-islandi
- https://mittval.is/mannrettindasamtokin-min-leid-mitt-val-berjast-gegn-valdatoku-einkahlutafelagsins-who-a-fullveldi-islands-i-heilbrigdismalum
- https://mittval.is/mannrettindasamtokin-min-leid-mitt-val-krefja-islensk-stjornvold-um-svor-vardandi-sottvarnakostnad-um-moguleg-ahrif-5g-a-heilsufar-manna-og-um-udasprautun-yfir-heidhvolfinu-a-islandi
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- ✞༺(((( Ⓒilla ℜągnąℜṧ )))༻♚༺ BA Classical Art Historian || MA Culture & Media || Tourism & Sales Management || Web Design || Photo & Videographer for Tourism Magasins ༻
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