Covid Vaccine Victims 2022

Catherine “Katie” Fleagle 36 years old, a young and healthy mom of two died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep, leaving behind a 3 year old and 4 month old baby.
Katie a 36 year old nurse, wife and mother of two received her first dose of the Pfizer shot on December 16, 2020. According to her vaccination card, she had a second dose on January 7, 2021.
There is no information as to if she had had a booster. First Dose: 12/16/2020 Second Dose: 1/07/2021 Booster: Unknown Died: July 1, 2022 Brand: Pfizer
Ivan, 4 years old, from Argentina
Ivan, 4 years old, from Argentina, one more innocent victim of this genocide and ignorance, was vaccinated along with his 5-year-old sister with the first dose on November 25, 2021.
He passed away on June 15, 2022 after being admitted to the intensive care unit the same day, the causes of his death are unknown.
Lidiane Brugnari Took the booster just over 3 months ago. She died on 07/26/22 due to a stroke.
Sara Jessica Blattner 14 Years old
Vaccine: Pfizer Dose 1: June 2021 Dose 2: None Died: October 12, 2021.
After suffering side affects from the injection including some neurological issues.
Sara Jessica passed away on October 12, 2021 and was found in her bed the following morning by her mother.
The cause as cardiac arrest.
Her mother is now speaking out warning parents not to vaccinate their kids. May you Rest In Peace Sara Jessica
Jack Thomas O’Drain 13 Years old, New Jersey, USA
Jack a 13 year old healthy active boy who loved playing his saxophone and spending time with family and friends has died.
Vaccine: Unknown Dose 1: Unknown Dose 2: June 6, 2021 Died: January 4, 2022
Jack received his second dose of the Covid “vaccine” on June 6, 2021 according to his mothers Facebook post.
He tragically suffered cardiac arrest on New Year’s Eve while playing with his friends.
There are no words to describe what we feel learning of another child losing their life from these injections. No parent should have to feel this amount of grief.
We pray that sharing these stories will save more children. It is not normal for a healthy child Jacks age to suffer cardiac arrest.
May you Rest In Peace Jack
This is his families
Simone Scott, 19, graduated in 2020 and went on to become a successful student at Northwestern University.

Isabelli Borges Valenti 16 Years old, Brazil
Anette Patino 49 Years old, USA
First Dose: 2021 Second Dose: 2021 Booster: Unknown
Died: July 8, 2022
Annette was a 49 year old nurse from California suffered a sudden brain aneurysm.
She was on life support, but sadly there was no chance of survival according to the hospital. Annette had posted on social media she had received the Covid injections sometime in 2021.
May you Rest In Peace Anette 
Cédric Baekeland 28 Years old, Belgium

Rest In Peace Cédric
– Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The alternative media was all a buzz this week as several previously young, healthy doctors all died within just a few days of each other. The biggest story came out of Canada’s Trillium Health Partners-Mississauga Hospital in Toronto, where 3 physicians from that hospital died “unexpectedly” within the same week, and according to a nurse who also works in the same hospital, the deaths followed after the hospital started mandating the fourth Covid shot for their employees.
The fifth GTA doctor to die in July “radiated positivity” and “lived a vibrant and active life.” But what the world lost in the sudden and tragic death of Dr. Candace Nayman was a woman who had dedicated her life to the health of children. The 27-year-old, who was a resident doctor at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton, collapsed while swimming as she competed in a triathlon on Sunday. She subsequently died on Thursday.
“Candace was one of the best residents I have had the privilege to work with in my time at McMaster,” said Dr. Christina Grant, professor as McMaster University and McMaster Children’s Hospital.
In her tribute on the memorial page, Grant added Candace was a “critical thinker, compassionate and an excellent team player.”
- Friend Rebecca Starkman added: “There are simply no words to describe the giant hole that has been left in the absence of Candace. There is nothing she set out to do in this world that she couldn’t conquer. Her amazingly gifted brain was the cause of envy for her peers. There was no contest when it came to competing with Candace. She was brilliant in so many ways. Whether it was academically, athletically, musically, etc. she thrived in all aspects of her life.” (Source.)

Share your story:
A new website has been launched where people can tell their stories about being injured by one of the COVID-19 shots.
The name of the website is Real Not Rare, and they also have groups people can join, and it appears there is one group in each state.
They also have a “Take Action” section. Health Impact News subscribers will recognize quite a few of the people in their videos, as we have covered many of their stories here.
Here is their trailer:
Here is what they say about themselves:
Our Purpose
- Real lives are being affected by “not so rare” consequences.
- Our purpose is to raise awareness of the many vaccine injuries that are happening, to create a community of public support, to give a voice to those who have been silenced, to have our elected officials acknowledge us, to encourage ways to advocate, and to change public perception.
- This is all in an effort to help the injured receive better healthcare and treatment.
- Vaccine injured individuals did their part by getting this vaccine, and now they need your help.
- Although many do great with the vaccine, there is a chance for an adverse reaction. We believe where there is risk, there should be choice.
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