VAERS: Tveggja ára gamalt barn í Virginíu deyr sex dögum eftir annað tilraunaskot Pfizer mRNA

April 19, 2021
Einmitt þegar þú hélst að öll þessi COVID-19 „bóluefni“ umræða gæti ekki farið neðar, hefur það nú skapað nýtt fordæmi.
Pfizer og Moderna eru bæði í gangi klínískar rannsóknir á tilrauna-mRNA sprautum á 11.000 börnum allt niður í sex mánaða gömul.
Bæði réttarhöldin hófust um miðjan mars. Moderna kallar rannsókn sína KidCOVE.
Johnson & Johnson og AstraZeneca nota einnig börn sem tilraunagrísi.
Þessi fyrirtæki hafa enga siðferðilega trefjar og eru eingöngu knúin áfram af hagnaði. Það er gefið. En foreldrarnir eru eitthvað umfram súrrealískt.
Það var ekki vitað að af einhverju sem kallast „Dr. lærdóms keppni í Bandaríkjunum“
Just when you thought this whole COVID-19 “vaccine” agenda couldn’t go any lower, it has now set a new precedent.
Pfizer and Moderna are both running clinical trials for their experimental mRNA shots on 11,000 children as young as six months old.
Both trials began in mid-March. Moderna calls its study KidCOVE.
Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are also using children as guinea pigs.
These companies have no moral fiber and are driven solely by profits. That is a given. But the parents are something beyond surreal.
It was unknown to The COVID Blog prior to this article that something called the “Dr. United States of America pageant” existed.
Women with doctorate degrees are judged based on evening gowns, how photogenic they are, etc. It’s like Miss America for doctors. The reigning Dr. United States of America is Michelle Lynam.
She is an anesthesiologist in Midlothian, Virginia. Lynam posts videos on Facebook fawning over experimental shots. This woman is also subjecting her children to these experimental shots.
Lyman enrolled her two teenage daughters into the Pfizer clinical trials.
She enrolled her six-year-old daughter into the Moderna clinical trial. Clinical Research Partners in Richmond, Virginia is facilitating the Moderna child guinea pig trials in the state.
The public is unlikely to ever know about any negative results from these unethical trials. But the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is providing glimpses of what happens to babies injected with experimental mRNA.
Death of a two-year-old
A common confirmation bias is that “anybody can report to VAERS,” thus the information is unreliable. But this story is alarming. It should be immediately investigated by the CDC and made national news. Mainstream media are silent, as is the CDC.
A two-year-old girl received her second (Dose 2) experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on February 25. She apparently developed some sort of serious adverse reaction on March 1. The baby was dead on March 3. No further details were provided.
The baby had been hospitalized for 17 days, or since February 14, according to VAERS. Thus the baby was perhaps sick from the first shot.
But someone administered the second shot anyway. Further, no experimental shots are authorized for use in babies and children under age 16 in the United States.
Pfizer trials on babies did not commence until mid-March. Nothing adds up here. Yet the CDC is not investigating or even talking about this case publicly.
Conditioning the kids
No need to pile on Dr. Lynam and whoever administered the shots to the two-year-old baby. Volunteering your children is apparently trendy and cool.
Sisters Ashley and Rachel Guthrie enrolled all of their kids in the Arizona Moderna kid trials. Stanford University is injecting children ages five and younger.
Andrew Brandt, 13, “volunteered” for a Pfizer trial. He said, “I like to try a lot of things.”
Mounting evidence suggests that these guinea pig children will be unable to conceive children themselves as adults. The drug companies are unlikely to measure this variable over the next 20 years.
But altering human genes is not conducive to reproduction and natural health. Birth rates over the next two decades will be interesting to observe.
It appears Pfizer, Moderna, et al. are angling for emergency use authorization in children by 2022. Now is the time to make arrangements for homeschooling. That, or you can be the precedent-setting parent by suing your local school system and stopping this madness. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
Contact COVID Legal USA today if you are fighting against mandatory vaccines for employment. We also assist people with pro se representation related to other COVID mandates and restrictions. Follow us on Telegram.
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