Iceland has the highest increased death rate after the Covid injections – 55.8% increase in the first nine months of 2022
The population in Iceland on January 1, 2022 was 376,248 and the population had increased by 7,456 from January 1, 2021 or by 2.0%. A total of 193,095 men and 183,153 women lived in the country at the beginning of the year, and the number of men increased by 2.1% in 2021, while the number of women increased by 1.9%.
The Statistics Office’s death confirm that more Icelanders died in 2016 and in 2021 than in the great year 2020 of the Covid-19 plague.
Based on these death figures from Statistics Iceland, more Icelanders died in 2016 than in 2020 when the great “death fever” raged in Iceland.
How could it be that over 87 more Icelanders died in the Covid-19 vaccination year 2021 than in the plague year 2020?
Deaths in Iceland increased by 30% in the first quarter of 2022 – As soon as the third injection sk. “booster” was run Deaths in Iceland increased by 30% in the first quarter of 2022 – As soon as the third injection sk. “booster” was run.
May 3, 2022
Deaths in Iceland increased by 30% in the first quarter of 2022 – As soon as the third injection sk. “booster” was launched and has reached 55.8% in September 2022.
Between January and March 2022, 760 people died in Iceland, which is a large increase of 30% compared to the previous year. The excess mortality in the first quarter compared to the average of the last five years is 28%.
On the website of the Icelandic Medicines Agency it says; A serious adverse reaction is a side effect or unwanted effect of a drug that results in death, life-threatening conditions, hospitalization or prolonged hospitalization, causes disability or birth defects in humans.
Epidemiologist Þórólf Guðnason, who recently became seriously ill with COVID-19 despite triple vaccination, which according to him provides excellent protection against serious illness, says that Covid could explain this increase. However, with 64 people having died from COVID-19 since the start of the year, this could account for at most a third of the increase of 168 deaths, as it is not known how much of the 64 deaths actually died from Covid rather than Covid, but from another underlying cause (in England and Wales this rate is 64%, according to official data). Two deaths following vaccination were reported in the first quarter – however, it is not known how low the frequency of vaccination injuries is in Iceland.
Excess mortality in the EU rose to +16% in July 2022 from +7% in both June and May. This was the highest level recorded so far in 2022, representing an additional 53,000 deaths in July this year compared to monthly averages for 2016-2019.
This was an unusually high value for this month. Excess mortality was +3% in July 2020 (10,000 excess deaths) and +6% in July 2021 (21,000 excess deaths). Based on the available information, some of the increase in mortality in July 2022 compared to the same month in the previous two years could be due to the heat waves that have affected parts of Europe during the reference period.
This information comes from the excess mortality data published today by Eurostat, based on the weekly data collection of deaths. The article presents a handful of findings from more in-depth articles with detailed statistics on excess mortality and weekly deaths. Excess mortality continued to vary between EU Member States, with eight Member States recording values above the EU average. The highest percentage in July 2022, more than double the EU average, was recorded in Spain (+37%) and Cyprus (+33%). Greece followed with +31%. At the same time, only Latvia (-0.5%) recorded no excess deaths, which was below the monthly average of 2016-2019.
Several Member States have recorded an increase in excess mortality in July 2022 compared to the previous month, the largest such increase occurring in Greece (+24 percentage points (pp)), Spain (+21 pp) and Italy (+20 pp) The indicator has no slightly decreased in seven member states, and the largest decrease compared to June was recorded in Latvia (-7 percent), Estonia (-5 percent) and Lithuania (-4 percent).
The EU recorded previous major peaks in excess of deaths in April 2020 (+25%), November 2020 (+40%), April 2021 (+21%) and November 2021 (+27%).
Excess mortality hits +16%, highest 2022 value so farSource dataset: demo_mexrt
How did the situation evolve in your country?
Although excess mortality was observed during most of the past two years across Europe, the peaks and intensity of outbreaks varied greatly between countries. For further analysis, you can read the Statistics Explained article on excess mortality and use the interactive tool by selecting the country you would like to analyse.
Although excess mortality was observed during most of the past two years across Europe, the peaks and intensity of outbreaks varied greatly between countries. For further analysis, you can read the Statistics Explained article on excess mortality and use the interactive tool by selecting the country you would like to analyze
For more information:
- Statistics Explained article on excess mortality
- Statistics Explained article on weekly deaths
- Dedicated page on population & demography
Methodological notes:
- Excess mortality refers to the number of deaths from all causes measured during a crisis, above what could be observed in ‘normal’ conditions. The excess mortality indicator draws attention to the magnitude of the health crisis by providing a comprehensive comparison of additional deaths amongst European countries and allows for further analysis of the causes.
- Please note that while a substantial increase in excess mortality largely coincides with the COVID-19 outbreak, this indicator does not discriminate among the causes of death and does not identify differences between sex or age.
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