Chitin í pöddum og hvað það getur gert mannslíkamanum.
Fjölmargar rannsóknir hafa sýnt fram á að Chitin getur verið eitrað fyrir mannslíkamann og einnig að borða pöddur hefur mikla…
Fjölmargar rannsóknir hafa sýnt fram á að Chitin getur verið eitrað fyrir mannslíkamann og einnig að borða pöddur hefur mikla…
There is a Big Hope ! This is a excellent sign, I am certain that we are Winning now !!…
They Want to Weaken You! JP SEARS Copyright © 2023 FLEIRI FRÉTTIR This MAN emerged from a race against…
People who invent cancer cures are throw in Jail for it while you get offered Chemotherapy! @jujuondatbeat4604 #tumor #gone…
by Peter Hansen New spike study from Monday, about all the treatment methods that could potentially work with regard to…
Ég hef ALDREI séð né getað ímyndað mér jafn mikinn óhóflegan fjölda fólks sem hefur dottið niður og dáið í…
The COVID Vaccine Is Killing People In Huge Numbers Steve Kirsch CDC, Govt, MSM, Pharma,… ÞAGGA NIÐUR öll 100% sönnunargögn…
The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake. Holodomor was not a mistake. The Final Solution was not a mistake. The…
Óður til réttlætisins eftir Margaret Anna Alice Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice The following poem was inspired…
DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD writes Dr. William Makis MAR 23, 2023 My Take… If Constable Corinne was triple COVID-19 vaccinated…