Mannréttindasamökin Mín Leið - Mitt Val styrkja American Fronline Doctors sem leggja fram kæru á hendur Lyfjastofnun Bandaríkjanna FDA -

Mannréttindasamökin Mín Leið – Mitt Val styrkja American Fronline Doctors sem leggja fram kæru á hendur Lyfjastofnun Bandaríkjanna FDA

Kæra Sigurlaug,

Ég hef frábærar fréttir að deila: Lögfræðiteymi Ameríku Frontline Doctors tekur afstöðu gegn Matvæla- og lyfjaeftirlitinu (FDA) og ólöglegum umboðum hennar gegn Ivermektíni!

Lögfræðingar okkar hafa lagt fram amicus curiae greinargerð til stuðnings málsókn sem hópur hugrakkra lækna hefur höfðað með góðum árangri með ívermektíni með sjúklingum.

Þessir læknar eru tilbúnir að hætta starfsferli sínum til að verja sannleikann! Þessi málsókn miðar beint að skammarlegri truflun FDA á rétti lækna og sjúklinga við meðferð fólks sem þjáist af COVID-19.

Þessi málsókn hefur veruleg áhrif á framtíð læknisfrelsis. Það er vegna þess að FDA framfylgir ólöglega ívermektínumboðum.

FDA getur ekki sett eða framfylgt lögum gegn notkun ivermektíns, en þeir gerðu það samt. Þess vegna tekur AFLDS afstöðu gegn FDA!

Við erum hér til að berjast fyrir frelsi og læknisfræðilegu frelsi.

Það er vegna þess að án læknisfrelsis höfum við alls ekkert frelsi.

Simone Gold Signature

Dear Sigurlaug,

I have great news to share: America’s Frontline Doctors’ legal team is taking a stand against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its illegal mandates against ivermectin!

Our lawyers have filed an amicus curiae brief supporting a lawsuit filed by a group of brave doctors who have successfully used ivermectin with patients.

These doctors are willing to risk their careers to defend the truth!

This lawsuit takes direct aim at FDA’s shameful interference between doctors’ and patients’ rights when treating people suffering from COVID-19.

This lawsuit has significant implications for the future of medical freedom. That’s because the FDA is unlawfully enforcing ivermectin mandates. The FDA cannot make or enforce laws against using ivermectin, but they did so anyway.

That’s why AFLDS is taking a stand against the FDA!

We are here to fight for liberty and medical freedom. That is because, without m!edical freedom, we have no freedom at all.

Please support AFLDS’ legal team. Become a monthly donor of $75, $100, $150, or $250 today to support the mission and work of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today.

We are continuing legal battles against mandates, exposing anti-medical freedom states, and supporting world-class journalism on America’s Frontline News.

If you prefer, please make a one-time donation of $75, $100, $150, or $250 to AFLDS today. Your generous support of our legal battles is critical

Thank you,

Kæra Simone. 

Við hjá mannréttindasamtökunum Mín Leið – Mitt Val á Íslandi munum styrkja ykkur um ákveðna upphæð mánaðarlega.

Guð blessi ykkur fyrri glæsilega frammistöðu ykkar og gangi ykkur vel !

Bestu baráttukveðjur frá Íslandi

Sigurlaug Þ. Ragnarsdóttir

formaður Mín Leið Mitt Val á Íslandi

Dear Simone.

We at the human rights organization Mín Leið – Mitt Val á Íslandi will support you by a certain amount every month.

God bless you for your previous impressive performance and good luck!

Best greetings from Iceland

Sigurlaug Þ. Ragnarsdóttir

chairman Mín Leið Mitt Val á Iceland

Untitled design 8

Dear Sigurlaug,

I have great news to share: America’s Frontline Doctors’ legal team is taking a stand against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its illegal mandates against ivermectin!

Our lawyers have filed an amicus curiae brief supporting a lawsuit filed by a group of brave doctors who have successfully used ivermectin with patients.

These doctors are willing to risk their careers to defend the truth!

This lawsuit takes direct aim at FDA’s shameful interference between doctors’ and patients’ rights when treating people suffering from COVID-19.

This lawsuit has significant implications for the future of medical freedom. That’s because the FDA is unlawfully enforcing ivermectin mandates. The FDA cannot make or enforce laws against using ivermectin, but they did so anyway.

That’s why AFLDS is taking a stand against the FDA!

We are here to fight for liberty and medical freedom. That is because, without medical freedom, we have no freedom at all.

Please support AFLDS’ legal team. Become a monthly donor of $75, $100, $150, or $250 today to support the mission and work of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today.

We are continuing legal battles against mandates, exposing anti-medical freedom states, and supporting world-class journalism on America’s Frontline News.

If you prefer, please make a one-time donation of $75, $100, $150, or $250 to AFLDS today. Your generous support of our legal battles is critical!

Thank you,

Simone Gold Signature

Simone Gold, MD, JD
America’s Frontline Doctors
The Trusted Name for Independent Information



Um höfund

Sigurlaug Ragnarsdóttir
Sigurlaug Ragnarsdóttir
✞༺(((( Ⓒilla ℜągnąℜṧ )))༻♚༺ BA Classical Art Historian || MA Culture & Media || Tourism & Sales Management || Web Design || Photo & Videographer for Tourism Magasins ༻
  • 525 Posts
✞༺(((( Ⓒilla ℜągnąℜṧ )))༻♚༺ BA Classical Art Historian || MA Culture & Media || Tourism & Sales Management || Web Design || Photo & Videographer for Tourism Magasins ༻