A few months ago, I was invited by Alec Zeck to help develop and participate in a presentation brilliantly led by him and including many other people whom I greatly admire and respect such as Dr. Jordan Grant, Mike Donio, and Jacob Diaz.
We set out to create an easy to understand case against the pseudoscience that is virology which can be enjoyed on video as well as read and shared as a slide presentation. We covered many layers of the lie including:
- The Definition of Isolation
- A Breakdown of the Methodology
- Science vs Pseudoscience
- The Scientific Method
- The Experts’ Excuses
- The Cell Culture Method
- The Limitations of Electron Microscopy
- Misinterpreting EM Images
- History of the Cell Culture Method
- The Many Logical Fallacies
- Stefan Lanka’s Control Experiments
- If Not a “Virus,” Then What…?
- Proof of Contagion?
- Natural vs Artificial Routes of Infection
- Why Is This Important?
It has been a long time in the making but the moment has arrived to finally share our work with the world. I hope that you are able to gain some valuable insight from our carefully crafted deconstruction of viroLIEgy. Please share this with as many people as you can so that we can continue to undo the 120+ years of damage that has been done by one of the greatest lies ever sold. Thank you for reading and/or watching!
To download the PDF presentation:
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- ✞༺(((( Ⓒilla ℜągnąℜṧ )))༻♚༺ BA Classical Art Historian || MA Culture & Media || Tourism & Sales Management || Web Design || Photo & Videographer for Tourism Magasins ༻
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