Skyndilegum andlátum fjölgar ískyggilega hjá bólusettu afreksfólki á sviði íþrótta um allan heim – Hjartabólga er megin dánarorsökin í yfir 95 prósent tilfella

- Skyndilegum andlátum hefur fjölgað mjög hratt hjá yngstu leikmönnum frá öllum heimshornum en atburðirnir eiga sér stað bæði hjá atvinnuleikmönnum, stálhraustum ungmennum og börnum niður í 12 ára aldur.
- Þá hefur skyndilegum andlátum fjölgað mjög hratt hjá yngstu aldurshópunum en slík áföll eiga sér enga forsögu á sviði keppnisíþrótta.
- Meginstraums fjölmiðlar fjalla lítið sem ekkert um þessa átakanlegu þróun en hafa þeir hafa þó ekki getað þaggað umræðuna niður þar sem sjónavarpsáhorfendur hafa margsinnis orðið vitni að slíkum harmleik í beinni útsendingu frá íþróttaleikjum frá öllum heimshornum á undanförnum mánuðum.
- Hér má sjá langan lista yfir þá fremstu íþróttamenn frá öllum heimshornum sem hafa á síðustu vikum og mánuðum, annað hvort látist eða veikst alvarlega af völdum COVID bólusetninganna.
- Þá hefur skyndilegum andlátum fjölgað mjög hratt hjá yngstu aldurshópunum en slík áföll eiga sér enga forsögu á sviði keppnisíþrótta.
- Á þriðja tug tilkynninga eru nú í hverri viku um allan heim og fer hratt vaxandi.
Football player Luis Ojeda Suárez, 20 — collapsed and died on 24. april 2021
Nevaeh Alexys May Summers, 15 years old
Died from a cardiac arrest – Myocarditis on 25. august 2021
Whitnée Abriska, 19 years old
— dies from cardiac arrest 31. july 2021
Jed Hoffman, 15 — died during practice
26. october 2021
Brandon Goodwin: 26-Year-Old NBA Player Suffered Blood Clots Shortly After His COVID-19 Vaccination
Blake Barklage, 17 — died after playing soccer game 4. november 2021
Bruno Stein, 15 — Collapsed and died 1. october 2021
Isaiah Turner, 17 — collapsed and died after a football practic 8. september 2021
Jayson Kidd, 12— collapsed and died during basketball practice 28. october 2021
Kim Keyong Bo, 20— collapsed and died 8. november, 2021
27 years old TIM B. collapses after returning from a soccer tournament and dies 23.07.21, Germany
Jake Kazmarek, 28-year-old
New York bodybuilder- died four days after second Moderna mRNA injection 2 October – 2021.
His widow, Cecelia, who was also his weightlifting partner, is having a difficult time dealing with the situation. The couple just celebrated their third wedding anniversary on August 18.
Footballplayer Giuseppe Perrino, 22 collapsed and dies playing footballgame for his dead brother on June 4, 2021
JENS De SMET, 27 —collapsed and died 13. september 2021
Alex Apolinario, 24
Brazilian soccer player dies after collapsing on pitch during match on 8. january 2021.
FREDERIC LARTILLOT, 49 — collapsed and died on 11. september 2021
Benjamin Taft, 31 — collapses and died after game 5. october 2021
Parys Haralson, 37 — collapsed and died September 14th 2021
– In recent weeks, more than 20 top athletes have collapsed!
Greg Luyssen 22 yrs old, a young Belgian professional cyclist, said goodbye to his career due to heart problemsthat appeared immediately after vaccination
A football match in Norway’s second division was halted on Monday after Icelandic midfielder Emil Pálsson suffered a cardiac arrest during play.
Francesca Marcon: 38-Year-Old Volleyball Player Developed Pericarditis After Her Second Pfizer Vaccine
Pedro Obiang, 29, a former West Ham star, suddenly has myocarditis after receiving the vaccine
– Helen Edwards, the referee was removed from the field during the qualifications for the World Cup in women’s football due to heart problems, because she just collapsed.
– Antoine Méchin, 31 yrs old, French triathlete, suffered a pulmonary embolism immediately after receiving the Moderna vaccine.
FABRICE NSAKALA 31 years old collapses on pitch during game
Jente Van Genechten experienced the same as European Championship hero Christian Eriksen:“Suddenly the lights went out“
Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch.
– Fabris NSakala (31), a Besiktas player, collapsed on the field during the match
Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game:
- Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game
- Antoine Méchin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna:
- Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues:
- Pedro Obiang, 29, ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis post vaccine:
- Cienna Knowles, 19, equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots:
- Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game
Young athletes collapsing in 2021 with heart issues.
Please add any other cases that you know of.
Two West Indies Players – Chinelle Henry, Chedean Nation Collapse on Field:
Dembele, 29, Atletico Madrid striker collapses in training, requires medical attention
Alex Apolinario, 24, Brazilian soccer player dies after collapsing on pitch during match:
Britain’s Jack Draper, 19, collapsesat Miami Open
Mirko Kido, 36, Olympic gold medalist dies of heart attack during game.
Josh Downie, 24, cricketer dies after heart attackat practice
Sal Marroquin, 43 yrs – 28. january 2021
- Sal Marroquin, just 43, died in his sleep, the cause has not been determined, but Brown said the “assumption” was that he’d suffered a heart attack.
- Mayfair High girls soccer coach’s death stuns Lakewood school, soccer community
Sergio Aguero was taken to hospital for a cardiac exam after feeling discomfort in his chest during Barcelona’s 1-1 draw with Alaves.
Young athletes collapsing in 2021 with heart issues.
Please add any other cases that you know of.
Two West Indies Players – Chinelle Henry, Chedean Nation Collapse on Field:
Dembele, 29, Atletico Madrid striker collapses in training, requires medical attention
Alex Apolinario, 24, Brazilian soccer player dies after collapsing on pitch during match:
- Two West Indies Players – Chinelle Henry, Chedean Nation Collapse on Field:
- Dembele, 29, Atletico Madrid striker collapses in training, requires medical attention
- Ghanaian referee collapses during AFCON Match:
- Referee Bert Smith collapses on court due to blood clot during Gonzaga-USC men’s Elite Eight game:
- 7.6.21, Germany 38 years old
The table tennis professional Michael Schneider dies suddenly and unexpectedly .
12.6.21, Denmark, 29 years old
The soccer player Christian Eriksen collapses lifelessly during a European Championship game – he can be revived if he needs a pacemaker for the rest of his life.
14.07.21, Netherlands, 31 years old,
Olympic speed skating champion Kjelt Nuis, seriously ill after vaccination , with heart problems in hospital.
16/07/21 Footballer Imad Bayumi died during a friendly match in Egypt.
07/22/21, Germany, 36 years old
On July 22nd, SV Olympia Schlanstedt and Germania from Kroppenstedt met. During the game Schlanstedts player Nicky Dalibor collapsed and had to be reanimated on the field .
07/24/21, Germany
A player from TuS Hoberge-Uerentrup (Bielefeld) collapses on the pitch with cardiac arrest.
07/31/21, Netherlands, 19 years old
The 19-year-old handball player Whitnée Abriska died of cardiac arrest just before a flight.
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