Skipta íslensk börn þessa Glóbalista engu máli?

Ætlar fólk að falla fyrir þessu eina ferðina enn?

Kristín Þormar skrifar:
Nú virðist sjaldgæfur sjúkdómur sem kallast apabóla hafa skotið upp kollinum í Bandaríkjunum og einhverjum Evrópulöndum.
Skyldi þetta vera “heimsfaraldur” númer tvö af tíu, er þetta næsti faraldur sem Bill Gates er búinn að boða? Næst verður það öðruvísi sýkill (pathogen) segir hann.
Spádómsgáfa og undirbúningur er fyrir öllu!
Sem stendur virðist mönnum engin hætta búin af þessum sjúkdómi segir Þórólfur, en “til allrar guðslukku” var haldin æfing í viðbrögðum apabólufaraldri í mars 2021, sem myndi brjótast út í maí 2022.
Rétt eins og Event 201 æfingin í heimsfaraldri kórónuveiru sem var haldin í október 2019, þrem mánuðum fyrir (nýafstaðinn?) “heimsfaraldur”.
Þátttakendur í þessum æfingum eru meira og minna þeir sömu, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, kínverska CDC og fleiri.
Þessir sem vilja núna ná algjörum yfirráðum yfir viðbrögðum við “komandi heimsfaröldrum” í framtíðinni, og hafa áform um áframhaldandi faraldra smitsjúkdóma næstu 10 ár!

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis in a Nordic Cohort Study of 23 Million Residents in year 2020





As of 27 April 2022, the latest information publicly available on the Database of Adverse Events Notification (“DAEN”), there had been 839 reports where death was the outcome post-injection.

DAEN as of 27 April 2022 Comirnaty (Pfizer) Type not specified (TNS) Vaxzevera (AstraZeneca) Nuvaxovid (Novavax) Spikevax (Moderna) Total
Number of reports (cases) 71,969 538 46,533 615 5,787 125,442
Number of cases with a single suspected medicine 70,404 507 45,586 597 5,614 122,708
Number of cases where death was a reported outcome 337 25 461 0 16 839
Source: Database of Adverse Event Notifications – Medicines, Search

Searches on DAEN’s published database are cumbersome as their site does not provide for filters, or a combination of filters, by age or “where death was reported as the outcome.”  The site does not allow for the download of data and, currently, its “PDF generation of search results has temporarily been disabled.”



Included below is a selection of reports received by the TGA in children 5-11 in data for the last 9 days.  The data on the (“DAEN”) is two weeks behind.

It is important to note that between 24 March and 2 April the TGA also added 180 reports to the DAEN after having had a Pfizer injection that did not include the age of the victim. This list could, potentially, be a lot worse if the TGA were better at passive post-market safety surveillance.

All of the case reports below were reported post-Pfizer Covid injection. Again, this is just a sampling of suspected adverse reaction reports received by the TGA in children aged 5-11 in a 9-day period.

Case No. Case Details
 723761 24/3 10-year-old male – periorbital swelling, rash erythematous.
 723850 24/3 9-year-old male – appendicitis.
 723937 25/3 6-year-old female – chest pain, electrocardiogram, palpitations.
 724023 25/3 9-year-old female – cardiac arrest – THIS REPORT HAD AN OUTCOME OF DEATH.
 724316 25/3 10-year-old female – chest pain, electrocardiogram abnormal, pericarditis.
 724342 26/3 6-year-old male – tachycardia, tremor.
 724428 26/3 8-year-old female – menstrual disorder, SARS-CoV-2 test positive.
 724675 28/3 9-year-old female – fatigue, pain in extremity, product administered to the patient of inappropriate age, vac
 724823 28/3 8-year-old female – abdominal pain, cutaneous vasculitis, decreased appetite, epistaxis, haematuria, infl …
 724827 28/3 10-year-old female – dizziness, muscle spasms, pallor.
 724835 28/3 no age female – hallucination.
 724852 28/3 8-year-old female – incorrect dose administered, pain in extremity, vaccination error.
 724925 28/3 6-year-old male – adverse event following immunisation – THIS REPORT HAD AN OUTCOME OF DEATH.
 724939 29/3 11-year-old male – abdominal pain, chest pain, chest x-ray, chills, dyspnoea, dysuria, electrocardiogram,
 724940 29/3 9-year-old male – chest pain, electrocardiogram normal, electrocardiogram, myocarditis, troponin increase
 724941 29/3 7-year-old male – chest pain, dyspnoea, electrocardiogram, headache, painful respiration, pericarditis, t
 725234 29/3 10-year-old female – carditis, chest pain, lethargy, palpitations, SARS-CoV-2 antibody test positive.
 725282 29/3 11-year-old female – dyspnoea, tachycardia.
 725354 30/3 9-year-old female – seizure.
 725359 30/3 8-year-old female – chest pain, chest x-ray, abdominal diabetic ketoacidosis, dyspnoea, electrocardiogram
 725360 30/3 5-year-old female – swelling face.
 725530 30/3 9-year-old male – chronic convulsion, lethargy, muscular weakness, mydriasis, postictal state, vomiting.
 725615 30/3 8-year-old male – erythema, lymphadenopathy.
 725946 31/3 11-year-old female – seizure.
 725983 31/3 10-year-old female – joint instability.
 725987 31/3 10-year-old female – chest pain, palpitations.
 725989 31/3 7-year-old male – Fibrin D dimer increased, headache, lethargy, myalgia, palpitations, tachycardia.
 725996 31/3 4-year-old female – acute lymphocytic leukaemia.
 725999 31/3 5-year-old male – asthma.
 726002 31/3 10-year-old male – appendicitis.
 726005 31/3 10-year-old male – expired product administered, vaccination error.
 726013 31/3 6-year-old female – expired product administered, vaccination error.
Information provided by An Exposé Reader

Read the full article at The Exposé.


“Það hafa fleiri börn dáið úr tilrauna sprautunuum en nokkurntíma úr Covid”. – Hjúkrunarfræðingar biðja Heiminn um að Vakna.

Lifrabólga er skyndilega orðin mikið vandamál hjá bólusettum börnum á aldrinum 5 – 11 ára.

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Claire Bridges fékk hjartaáfall, þjáist af hjartabólgum og búin að missa báðar fæturnar í kjölfar tilraunabólusetningar

Karolinska sjúkrahúsið í Stokkhólmi stofnar hjartadeild fyrir íþróttamenn með hjartabólgur

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Sigurlaug Ragnarsdóttir
Sigurlaug Ragnarsdóttir
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✞༺(((( Ⓒilla ℜągnąℜṧ )))༻♚༺ BA Classical Art Historian || MA Culture & Media || Tourism & Sales Management || Web Design || Photo & Videographer for Tourism Magasins ༻