Eva Joly helped Iceland investigate the economical disaster in Iceland with help from Sigurlaug Þ. Ragnarsdóttir
(New Times) founded in October 2008. The group marched every Wednesday and Saturdays from October 2008 to january 2009 demanding that the government step down and elections be held in the country immediately.
Sigurlaug says the new organization is independent of politics and money sources and that there is a huge interest in the protest. There are especially many young people who are tired of the situation.
We organized written protests, maintained the website www.nyirtimar.com and “Call to the people” on Facebook. We at “Nýjir Tímar” (New Times) invited all Icelanders to join us. Anyone who wanted to work towards these simple goals could find community with us. Let’s put down all empty disputes and stand up in the name of democracy and justice. At “New Era” we crossed all political party lines and refused to be the basis for political grandstanding.
“Now the young people are standing up and they will be noticeable in the march. The demand is clear, remove the government and elections immediately. We want everything new, new thinking and new values in this country,” says Sigurlaug, adding that it is now time for people to unite once and for all.
Sigurlaug says that the march on Saturday will be colorful as young people are busy preparing posters and demand cards and more. Various designers and other good people come to work.
“The young people who will inherit this country are rising up like that. These are the people who have been with the small businesses and know all the ways to get their message across. I encourage these people not to move out of the country, but to participate in the development,” says Sigurlaug.
“Now the young people are standing up and they will be noticeable in the march. The demand is clear, remove the government and elections immediately. We want everything new, new thinking and new values in this country,” says Sigurlaug, adding that it is now time for people to unite once and for all.
Sigurlaug says that the march on Saturday will be colorful as young people are busy preparing posters and demand cards and more. Various designers and other good people come to work.
“The young people who will inherit this country are rising up like that. These are the people who have been with the small businesses and know all the ways to get their message across. I encourage these people not to move out of the country, but to participate in the development,” says Sigurlaug.
Iceland is going through a moment of truth for the future of its revolts. The citizen movements of the past few months today find themselves confronted by conservative forces that have regained their confidence. “We’re fighting monsters who have been prospering for over a hundred years. The Independence Party and some of the banks on the island have evolved together since the early years of the twentieth century, and it’s not easy to get rid of them.” said The Movement’s spokes person Sigurlaug Ragnarsdottir.
Patrice Trapier 10/17/2010
Eva Joly left excellent memories to the Icelanders. © Reuters
” I knew there was crime. It’s like when you see a man with a knife in his back, you know it’s murder, even if you don’t know the culprit yet. “
For the circle to be complete, Eva Joly returns to where it all began in 2009.
Icelanders now compare the Norwegian-French ex-investigating judge and politician Eva Joly (1943) with the mythological mountain woman Fjallkonan, symbol of the nation. In 2008, that nation wept, bankrupted by the greed of their bankers. And then, one Sunday in August 2009, Eva Joly appeared on Egill Helgason talk show.
She spoke calmly and wisely about fighting corruption and economic crimes, as she had done as an investigating judge in France and Norway. Iceland also needed an investigation, Joly said. That night, blogger Cilla Ragnarsdóttir founded a Facebook group: Eva Joly in Iceland! The next morning the group had 8,000 members.
Eva Joly on the banking crisis
Each episode of In Europa is flanked in the VPRO Gids by an interview with an eyewitness of recent history. In episode 3 it is the Norwegian-French ex-investigating judge and politician Eva Joly, who investigated the Icelandic banking crisis. “They’re pretty invisible crimes.”
- Ce dimanche de mars 2009, Cilla Ragnarsdóttir était devant sa télé. Elle a trouvé sa nouvelle héroïne… et sa nouvelle cause à défendre. Cilla avait déjà monté un groupe Facebook sur “l’affaire Icesave”, une des banques en cause. Dans la nuit, elle a créé le groupe “Eva Joly en Islande”. Le lendemain, plus de 8.000 personnes s’étaient inscrites. “La nation pleurait, avait besoin d’une mère et elle est venue, on la compare à la’femme de la montagne’, Fjallkonan, notre symbole national.
Eva Joly offers Icelanders French help
Eva Joly tells NRK about the eve of her consulting role in Iceland
The Special Public Prosecutor’s Office lacks experience in international economic crime investigations. There is still a lack of access to data for the Icelandic study, said Eva Joly on NRK yesterday. Eva claimed in an interview with NRK yesterday that Silfur-Egils is the reason why she was asked to advise the Icelandic government.
“This is the most popular talk show in Iceland, Egil, Eva said and explained her work on the eve of the interview and a Facebookgroup founded by Cilla Ragnarsóttur. Joly was asked if there was any merit in the fact that rich people had moved from Iceland a trunk full of banknotes around the collapse. She considered it a reason to investigate it as vigorously as anything else. Now she wants to offer the Icelanders a French expert to help them, “but of course they decide for themselves whether they accept it:”
Elections in May will not do.
– Today there are completely abnormal ties between political and financial power. We are trying to unite different resistance groups in a phalanx. We want the government to resign immediately, for an emergency government to be appointed, for experts to temporarily take over power until May, when elections are held, says Sigurlaug Ragnarsdóttir, one of the initiators of the New Times protest movement.
The government should resign immediately, demanded several thousand demonstrators in Reykjavik on Saturday. Grassroots are now gathering forces to form a list that will break the long dominance of the Independence Party in Iceland.
Marianne Björklund
“The eyes of the world are now on the Icelandic people, who have so far rejected all Icesave demands; requirements to enter into unconditional guarantees for the financial sector. It is my hope that this positive fighting spirit will prevail in the referendum.”
That’s how Eva Joly, member of the European Parliament and ex. advisor to the special prosecutor, in an article in Morgunblaðin today on the occasion of the Icesave elections tomorrow.
“The demands on Iceland are extremely high in light of the small size of the nation. Icesave’s £3.5bn debt is the equivalent of a £700bn claim on UK taxpayers. This claim is controversial and I believe it rests on a dubious legal basis, to put it mildly, not to mention the ethical arguments,” writes Joly.
She goes on to point out that the Irish, Greek and Portuguese and other European nations were “forced to enter into unlimited guarantees of all loans created by market participants, thus alienating both financial institutions and bondholders from all liability… It is in this context the referendum on Icesave is both symbolic and important for Europe and the whole world”.
Eva Joly: Iceland has a corruption problem
- https://mittval.is/fra-flokksraedi-til-lydraedis-thar-sem-oll-barattusagan-er-sogd-grein-eftir-sigurlaugu-thuridi-ragnarsdottur
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/13562004986/media
- https://icelandmonitor.mbl.is/news/politics_and_society/2016/10/18/eva_joly_iceland_has_a_corruption_problem/
- https://www.lejdd.fr/Politique/Eva-Joly-tournee-de-star-en-Islande-227569-3105101
- https://www.vprogids.nl/2020/1/inhoud/artikelen/p14-Eva-Joly-over-de-bankencrisis.html
- https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Icesave_dispute
- www.attac.is/en
- https://www.visir.is/g/20081040800d
- https://www.mediapart.fr/…/another-icelandic-eruption…
- https://timarit.is/page/4009688#page/n0/mode/2up
- https://en.wikipedia.org/…/2009_Icelandic_financial…
- https://www.lesechos.fr/…/lislande-ou-le-vertige-de-la…
- https://www.vprogids.nl/…/p14-Eva-Joly-over-de…
- https://www.lejdd.fr/…/Eva-Joly-tournee-de-star-en…
- https://www.vprogids.nl/…/p14-Eva-Joly-over-de…
- https://www.visir.is/…/fanabrenna-i-motmaelum-vid…
- https://www.visir.is/g/20081040800d
- https://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2008/12/01/thjodfundur_a_arnarholi/
- https://www.mbl.is/…/2009/11/08/attac_samtokin_stofnud/
- https://is.wikipedia.org/11,_laugardagurinn_20._desember….
- https://www.mbl.is/…/2009/11/08/attac_samtokin_stofnud/
- https://www.mbl.is/…/undid_verdi_ofan_af_einkavaedingu…
- https://svenska.yle.fi/a/7-306023
- https://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2009/11/08/attac_samtokin_stofnud/
- https://www.lejdd.fr/…/Eva-Joly-tournee-de-star-en…
- https://positivapengar.se/event/hudson-27-may/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/74563477463
- http://www.samstada.blog.is/blog/samstada/entry/810484/
- https://hreyfingin.blog.is/blog/hreyfingin/entry/951322/
- https://www.visir.is/g/20181905781d
- https://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2009/06/28/borgarafundur_um_icesave/
- https://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2011/02/18/forsetinn_visi_icesave_til_thjodarinnar
- https://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2011/04/08/ja_vid_icesave_vaeri_uppgjof/
- https://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2010/02/04/norskur_almenningur_skilur_sjonarmid_islendinga/
Skorað á forsetann að synja lögum um ríkisábyrgð á Icesave 1 (Vakandi auga – 2009)
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