BREAK THE SPELLThe world is under a hypnotic spell cast by the World Health Organization. Recommendations are mistakenly treated as if they are obligations.
A message to all of the actors at the World Hypnosis Organization:
“We the people” see through your charade. We know what you are up to. We comprehend the game that you are playing and we intend to inform the world of your ongoing and upcoming deceptions. The actions of the WHO are a very cleverly designed theatrical production. When the World Health Assembly votes to approve the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, it will probably appear to be real to anyone who remains under their spell. I hope that this article will help you to break the spell that has been cast over the world. CLICK HERE to learn more about the proposed amendments, and learn quickly, because this attempted theft of your sovereignty is scheduled to begin this May 22-28, 2022.The main power of the WHO is their hypnotic ability to coerce each of the 194 member nations into passing legislation within their countries, according to their individual legal systems, in order to VOLUNTARILY fall into “lockstep” with the hypnotic dictates of the WHO. The member nations of the WHO are trapped in an illusion. They are likely to vote to approve the amendments that give away their sovereignty simply because they have failed to read and comprehend the reality of the documents.
The WHO can “approve” all the amendments that they want, but that does not mean that the United States (or any other country) has to allow themselves to be tricked into thinking that the are obligated to then pass legislation within their own country in order to voluntarily move in “lockstep” with the “suggestions” of the WHO. Recommendations are suggestions. Suggestions that are repeated over and over and over are a form of hypnosis. Hypnotic suggestions can compel people to obey recommendations AS IF they were legitimate law. Please see the difference. The potential approval of amendments to 13 of the Articles of the International Health Regulations by the World Health Assembly is a finely crafted ruse. The “Emperor” has no clothes. The WHO is like the Wizard of Oz. The only power that they have over the nations of the world is the power that the WHO uses to trick the member nations into complying voluntarily to “recommendations” because those “recommendations” are mistakenly seen as obligations.
The World Health Organization has the money and the capacity to conduct an extensive and ongoing theatrical production. However, their theatrical productions do not carry the force of law. Currently, they have little power. We need to act now in order to keep it that way. The WHO skillfully tricks countries into thinking that their “recommendations” are legal requirements, and the 194 member countries obey the “suggestions” of the (WHO) hypnotists as if they are under a spell, because they are. THERE IS A REASON WHY ITS CALLED PROGRAMMINGPOINT #1When the United States agreed to join the WHO in 1948 (before television programming was widely available), Section 5 of Public Law 80-643, 62 STAT 441 clearly stated:
COULD THAT HAVE BEEN ANY CLEARER?The United States was pretty clear-eyed at that time. They didn’t just “check the box” and agree to the terms and conditions built into the WHO Constitution. They stood up to protect our freedom. They gave themselves a way out. They protected our sovereignty. Page 3: INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS PROPOSAL FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS POINT #2In 2005-2007 the United States AGREED to (mostly) allow the International Health Regulations (IHR) to supercede and override the U.S. Constitution.There is a difference between a legal obligation and the obligations that come from voluntarily entering into a contract or agreement. The United States, did exercise its right to reject and/or express their reservations and understandings regarding portions of the International Health Regulations (2005). Article 59, Section 1 of the International Health Regulations clearly states the following…
COULD THAT HAVE BEEN ANY CLEARER?Member nations currently have 18 months to reject any amendment. No country can be forced to give up their sovereignty. They have the right to reject or express reservations regarding any amendment to the IHR. Member nations can only be coerced into doing so by the master hypnotists at the World Health Organization. Inalienable rights are just that – inalienable. They can never be lost. You can only be made to forget that you are free. Once you remember that you are sovereign and free, all you have to do is click your heels together and DECIDE TO WAKE UP.
Currently, every country in the world has 18 months to tell the World Health Organization that they simply reject or have reservations about any new amendments to the International Health Regulations. All the countries have to do is send a notification to the WHO that they reject the amendments in part or in full. This is similar to a line item veto. If the upcoming May 22-28, 2022 75th World Health Assembly passes the amendments that were proposed by the United States on January 18, 2022, that period of time to voice rejection or reservation may be reduced to 6 months, but nevertheless, every country in the world will still have the ability to tell the World Health Organization to take their amendments and shove ‘em. There is no spoon. The WHO has no legal power. They cannot make countries comply. They can only use coercion and deception. They can’t make countries join in lockstep, but they certainly can hypnotize and coerce them into compliance. Every one of the 194 member nations has the right to opt out of any amendments to the International Health Regulations that may be passed by the 75th World Health Assembly this May 22-28, 2022. The United States clearly acted to preserve our sovereignty when they joined the WHO in 1948 and they exercised their right to reject and/or express their reservations again in 2007. Any country that votes FOR the amendments is choosing to voluntarily relinquish their sovereignty. Any country that fails to express their desire to reject or show their reservations about the amendments within the time period is also VOLUNTARILY HANDING OVER THEIR SOVEREIGNTY TO THE WHO. It is very likely that your “government” officials are caught in the WHO’s hypnotic Matrix and will blindly comply with their hypnotic suggestions to collude with the corporate world to bring forth a one world fascist dictatorship. POINT #3After the International Health Regulations were adopted by the World Health Organization on May 23, 2005, all member nations had the opportunity to express their reservations and understandings before the IHR went into effect on June 15, 2007. The United States Mission to Geneva DID exercise their right to submit their “reservations” to certain details of the IHR. On July 18, 2007, the United States of America submitted their Reservations and Understandings (yeah, I know – the date certainly seems to have missed the deadline.): Appendix 2, page 60-61 of the International Health Regulations:
A “reservation” deals with potential U.S. actions. A reservation is a clear statement that the U.S. reserves the right not to be bound by a specific aspect of a treaty. An “understanding” addresses how the U.S. potentially will act. An “understanding” is how the U.S. interprets a specific aspect of a treaty. In 2007, the United States “government” expressed their “understanding” in order to protect their military and they also made it clear that they did not care about the “judicially enforceable private rights” of the people. CLEARLY, the United States knows that they can express reservations about any amendments approved by the World Health Assembly. Our delegates to the World Health Assembly are planning to hand over our sovereignty to the WHO.Please share this information with everyone you know as soon as you possibly can.Watch this video… Feel free to download it and re-post it on your own channel. Use the hashtag
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