The World Economic Forum’s Ten Creepy Goals

Ten creepy goals of the World Economic Forum. When we talk about the “global elite” we usually mean a small group of wealthy and powerful individuals who operate without borders. These unelected individuals gather in semi-secret In various organizations to determine the policy they want to see in action in the world.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is at the heart of it all. With its annual meetings in Davos, the WEF tries to legitimize and standardize its influence on the democracies of the world, where world leaders meet. A simple look at the list of attendees at these meetings shows the organization’s incredible reach and influence. The biggest names in media, politics, business, science, technology and finance are represented at WEF.
According to the media, people come together to discuss issues such as “inequality, climate change and international cooperation.” This simplistic description seems tailor-made to make the average citizen yawn with boredom. But topics at WEF go much further than discussing “inequality”.
Over the years, people have said various shady things at WEF conferences without properly attracting the attention of the media. Looking at the issues WEF is fighting for, an overarching theme emerges: Total control of humanity using media, science and technology while transforming democracies to form a one world government.
If this sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory, keep reading. Here are 10 dark futures the WEF is pushing right now. This list is in no particular order. All the scenes are equally insane.
10 “Getting by” with the government
To say the least, Klaus Schwab, the founder and head of the WEF is not a fan of democracy. In fact, he sees democracy as an obstacle to a fully globalized world.
In a 2010 WEF report titled “The Great Reboot,” Schwab argues that the world is best governed by “a self-contained coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the United Nations) and select NGOs.” This is the exact opposite of democracy.
He argues that elected governments are no longer “the dominant global actors” and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of global governance.” For this reason, the Transnational Institute (TNI) described the WEF as a “quiet global coup” to to take over world governance.
In 2017, at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, Schwab admitted what is constantly dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” by the media: the WEF “runs itself” within governments around the world.
Árið 2017, við John F. Kennedy School of Government í Harvard, viðurkenndi Schwab það, sem sífellt er vísað á bug sem „samsæriskenningu“ af fjölmiðlum: WEF „býr um sig“ innan ríkisstjórna um allan heim.
Schwab sagði:
„Ég verð að segja, að þegar ég nefni núna nöfn eins og frú Merkel og jafnvel Vladimir Pútín o.s.frv., þá hafa þau öll verið ungir alþjóðlegir leiðtogar World Economic Forum. En það, sem við erum mjög stolt af núna, er unga kynslóðin eins og forsætisráðherra Justin]Trudeau, forseti Argentínu og svo framvegis.
Við förum inn í ríkisstjórnirnar. Í gær var ég í móttöku hjá Trudeau forsætisráðherra og ég veit, að helmingur stjórnarráðs hans eða jafnvel meira en helmingur ríkisstjórnarinnar, eru í raun ungir alþjóðlegir leiðtogar Alþjóðaefnahagsráðsins. (…) Það er satt í Argentínu og það er satt í Frakklandi með forsetann – ungan alþjóðlegan leiðtoga.“
Í þessari framúrskarandi ræðu fullyrti Schwab blákalt, að Angela Merkel frá Þýskalandi, Vladimir Pútín frá Rússlandi, Justin Trudeau frá Kanada og Emmanuel Macron frá Frakklandi væru „snyrt til“ hjá WEF. Hann segir, að a.m.k. helmingur ríkisstjórnar Kanada samanstandi af fulltrúum, sem fylgja stefnu WEF. Þetta er ekki samsæriskenning. Þetta er sjálfur sannleikurinn, sem er staðfestur af sjálfum yfirmanni WEF.
9 Brain control with sound wavesIn 2018, one of the topics discussed at WEF was “Mind Control Using Sound Waves”. I did not change this title for sensationalism, those are the exact words used by the WEF. In the article, the technology is described as a possible treatment for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. However, the article also states that “it can cure you, it can make you addicted, and it can kill you.” The technology can also be used to control a person’s mind completely, remotely.
The article says:
“I see the day coming when a scientist can control what a person sees in their mind by sending the right waves to the right place in the brain.” My guess is that most of the objections will be similar to the ones we hear today about subliminal messages in advertising, except much harsher. This technique is not risk-free from abuse. It could be a revolutionary healthcare technology for the sick or a perfect control device, used by the ruthless on the weak. This time, however, the administration would be literal.”
The bottom line is that no one can stop scientists from developing this technology. To prevent misuse of the technology to be controlled by organizations such as the WEF. It is most convenient because some of the companies developing this technology are part of the WEF. Do you see where this is going?
8 Pills with microchips
Once again, this headline sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory without being one. Below is a video from the WEF 2018 meeting, where Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla talks about digital pills containing microchips. Bourla says, “The FDA approved the first ‘digital pill’ so to speak. It’s basically a biofilm that’s in the tablet and when you swallow the tablet and it dissolves in your stomach, it sends a signal that you’ve taken the tablet. So imagine the effect of that, all the consistency.
Bourla says:
“The FDA approved the first ‘digital pill’ so to speak. It’s basically a biofilm that’s in the tablet and when you swallow the tablet and it dissolves in your stomach, it sends a signal that you’ve taken the tablet. So imagine the effect of that, all the consistency. The insurance companies would know that the patients are taking the medicines they are supposed to be taking. It’s fascinating, what’s happening in this field.”
Is this field really that fascinating? Or a completely dark vision? As Bourla himself said: Imagine the harmony. This type of technology could easily open the door to all kinds of criminal applications. After this, COVID has elevated Pfizer to a position of power that has never been seen before in any pharmaceutical company in the world.
7 Compliments massive valves
In 2020 and 2021, cities around the world were subjected to massive and drastic lockdowns, causing job losses, suicides, drug use, isolation, mental health problems, domestic violence, bankruptcies and homelessness. During this horrific period, children could not attend school for months and were effectively prevented from interacting with other children. A number of small and medium-sized enterprises were destroyed while the large enterprises survived.
Despite all this, the WEF couldn’t hide its love for harsh, deadly valves. In fact, the WEF released a video surreally titled “Closures are silently reshaping cities around the world.” Here is the mind-blowing video:
The video says “Lockdowns dramatically reduced human activity … leading to the quietest period on Earth in decades” while showing images of empty cities and planes stuck on the ground.
Completely ignoring the enormous human suffering caused by these closures, the WEF believed they were well worth it, because “carbon emissions fell by 7% by 2020.”
The reaction to the video was so strong and negative, that the WEF decided to delete the video. This tweet came instead:
Bourla says:
“The FDA approved the first ‘digital pill’ so to speak. It’s basically a biofilm that’s in the tablet and when you swallow the tablet and it dissolves in your stomach, it sends a signal that you’ve taken the tablet. So imagine the effect of that, all the consistency. The insurance companies would know that the patients are taking the medicines they are supposed to be taking. It’s fascinating, what’s happening in this field.”
Is this field really that fascinating? Or a completely dark vision? As Bourla himself said: Imagine the harmony. This type of technology could easily open the door to all kinds of criminal applications. After this, COVID has elevated Pfizer to a position of power that has never been seen before in any pharmaceutical company in the world.
6 “Looking into the future”
Judging by the comments on YouTube and social media, people absolutely hate the videos created by WEF. But the WEF still continues to produce such videos. Because the WEF doesn’t really care what you and I think.
The WEF just wants to plant the seeds of its insanity in our minds. In a video titled “What Our Lives Could Soon Look Like,” WEF invites viewers to “take a look at the future.” And it’s DARK. It’s all about making COVID life permanent.
The video is full of masked people, Purell sales staff and QR codes. This is the future they want. Then there is this morsel of insanity:
the video says:
“NASA has invented a system that can identify you by your heartbeat using a laser.”
As if that wasn’t enough, the video shows children at home “going to school” on the computer. The video ends by showing people wearing masks on the streets like idiots.
5 The Great Reboot
As stated above, the WEF sees the pandemic as an “opportunity.” It is not only an opportunity to reshape our personal existence, but to reorganize the entire world structure according to the principles of the WEF. The WEF calls it “The Great Reboot.” To promote this reboot (which no one wants), the WEF released the following propaganda video, showing all the insanity.
This short video contains an incredible amount of subversive messages. It even ridicules “conspiracy theories” at the same time that, it confirms these theories, amazingly.
The video also heralds the “death of capitalism.”
While capitalism is based on a system of supply and demand, the Great Reboot is redefining how businesses are evaluated using new metrics. The main one is: Compliance with the social and political policies of the elite.
Towards the end, the narrator says this cryptic sentence:
“And it’s all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time.”
The video doesn’t really explain what this phrase really means. Instead of allowing enterprising individuals and companies to grow naturally, the elite system will control the “right people in the right place at the right time.” In other words, capitalism is turned away and compliance with the broad policies of the elite becomes mandatory everyone in the new economy.
The video ends by encouraging the audience to voice their opinions. But of course we will not be invited to WEF. WEF looks for ways to “reset” your freedom of speech.
4 “Reset” the freedom of speech
An easy way to identify world leaders who have been groomed by the WEF is through their relentless fight against free speech. They absolutely hate free speech and constantly call for control and censorship of the Internet. At the Davos meeting in 2022, Australia’s “security chief” Julie Inman Grant said we needed to “reset freedom of expression”.
Security chief Julie Inman Grant tells the World Economic Forum that freedom of speech needs to be “reset”.
Australian eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant tells the World Economic Forum we need a "recalibration" of freedom of speech.
— Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) May 23, 2022
Grant said:
“We have reached the point where we have increased disputes everywhere and everything feels double-edged, when it doesn’t have to be that way. I think we have to start thinking about resetting a lot of human rights online, from freedom of speech to the freedom to be free from online violence.”
Here, Grant is essentially calling for censorship. She even believes that “resetting” freedom of speech as a human right and uses “cyber violence” as a reason. There is no such thing as “online violence.” Freedom of speech is not the same as violence. This is a method of justifying China-style censorship.
Either there is freedom of speech or there is not. Apparently the WEF does not want free speech to exist.
3 Track your clothes
WEF wants to control your clothes. And they’ve made a video about it. As previously stated, people hate these WEF videos.
Here is one video that will make people go crazy.
With the environment as a reason, the WEF announced the advent of clothing with “digital passports” that can be tracked at all times. Backed by Microsoft, these garments will apparently flood the market by 2025.
According to the WEF, these chips will allow fashion brands to resell their clothes. The video does NOT mention that this technology is a great way to monitor those who have stopped using smartphones.
But giving up your smartphone can become… impossible.
2 “Smartphones in the body in 2030”
At the Davos 2022 meeting, Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark claimed that by 2030, “smartphones will be implanted directly into the body.”
This would coincide with the arrival of 6G technology, which is expected to be launched by the end of the decade.
According to the WEF, the fourth industrial revolution is “the fusion of man and machine.” WEF seeks to accelerate this transition by making things that people cannot live without – e.g. smartphones – available in bio-connected form.
Do you notice their creepy eagerness to insert things into our bodies?
1 “You will be penniless. And happiness smiles at you.”
This is probably the darkest moment in WEF history. In 2016, Ida Auken, a Member of Parliament in Denmark, said:
“Welcome to 2030. I have nothing, I have no privacy and life has never been better”.
The WEF loved this quote so much, they tweeted about it.
WEF elskaði þessa tilvitnun svo mikið, að þeir tístu um hana.

WEF also created a video, which most people hated, called “8 Predictions for the World in 2030.”
Here is a screenshot.

“I don’t have anything. I don’t have a car. I don’t have a house. I have no equipment or clothes” writes the Danish member of parliament Ida Auken. Shopping will be a thing of the past in the city of 2030, where residents use clean energy and borrow what they need to use. It sounds utopian, until she mentions that her every move is being watched and that outside the city is a place of discontent, which is the ultimate vision of a society torn in two.
In this dark future, there are no products that you can own. Only “services” that are rented and delivered by drones. This system makes all the world’s population completely dependent on WEF controlled companies for all their basic needs. There is absolutely no autonomy, no freedom and no privacy. And happiness should smile at us.
A unique measure of carbon footprint
At the 2022 Davos meeting, Alibaba Group President J. Michael Evans announced the development of a “unique carbon footprint.”
Once again, the WEF uses the environment as a reason to promote the micromanagement of human behavior. Evans says that everyone’s footsteps can be tracked “where they’re traveling, how they’re traveling, what they’re eating and what they’re ordering online”.
final words.
Reviewing the list, two common themes become apparent. The first theme is “making a living.” The WEF wants to get into governments using “global leaders.” It also wants to get into our bodies with pills, microchips, and vaccines. It also wants to get into our minds using sound waves, censorship and propaganda.
The other theme is “control.” They want to control what we think, where we go, what we say, what we eat, and what we wear. +
The only people who agree with the WEF are the Communists in China. Censorship is rampant, a social credit system controls people’s behavior, and COVID is still used as a reason for massive shutdowns and total control of the population. Not to mention the concentration camps literally.
The Top 10 Creepiest and Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF)
All this being said, how can we counter the insanity of the WEF? How can we vote away those who have never been elected to office? The first step would be to elect – at all levels of government – representatives who want nothing to do with the WEF. If our elected officials were to treat the WEF as the rogue and illegitimate organization it is, its influence would be greatly diminished.
Second, we can boycott the companies that are part of the WEF. This is easier said than done because many companies are digital monopolies. However, if we stop letting them have our money, then they won’t be able to use our money to poison our lives.
Then they will have nothing – and we will all be happy.
Based on an article by The Vigilant Citizen
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