Stöðvum fyrirhuguð heimsyfirráð glópalistanna - Þessir glæpir eru þeir allra verstu sem framdir hafa verið gegn mannkyninu segja virtir lögfræðingar og vísindamenn -

Stöðvum fyrirhuguð heimsyfirráð glópalistanna – Þessir glæpir eru þeir allra verstu sem framdir hafa verið gegn mannkyninu segja virtir lögfræðingar og vísindamenn


Highly respected medical doctors around the world speak honestly about the Covid vaccines. This is a must see for humanity! Watch now…


About The Authors

Dr. Roland Derwand

Based in Munich, Derwand is a medical doctor and life science industry expert with almost 20 years of experience. He currently heads the medical affairs department of a U.S. biotech company in Germany. His engagement and contribution to this study has been private and independent.

Before he held various positions in the pharma and biotech industry with national, European and global responsibilities. He holds an M.D. from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, an MBA from the PFH Private University of Applied Sciences in Göttingen, Germany, and he did his doctorate in cardiovascular physiology.

Professor Martin Scholz

Scholz holds a doctorate degree (Ph.D.) from Johann Wolfgang Goethe –University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany and is an adjunct professor for experimental medicine at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. He also serves as managing director of the “Starts- and -Ups Consulting” company.

Prior to this, Scholz served as the chief scientific officer on the executive board of LEUKOCARE AG, a biotech company he founded in 2001. Scholz received the title “professor honoris causa” at the Faculty of Medicine Marilia (FAMEMA) in São Paulo, Brasil.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Zelenko graduated from SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine in 2000. He is Board Certified in Family Medicine and is the medical director at Monsey Family Medical Center.

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