Holskefla skyndilegra dauðsfalla hafa átt sér stað á aðeins 24 klukkustundum á sólarstöndum Ítalíu – Af hverju steinþegja íslenskir fjölmiðlar yfir slíkri stórfrétt?

Eligio Greco var “bólusettur gegn Covid-19 en hann er einn þeirra ellefu aðila sem hafa látist skyndilega á rúmum sólarhring á sólarströndum Ítalíu. Hann var aðeins 42 ára gamall þegar hann lést og var rétt að jafna sig á því að hafa misst ástkæran mág sinn mjög skyndilega fyrir aðeins tveimur mánuðum síðan. Hann var heilsuhraustur, glaðvær faðir og ástkær eiginmaður. Bekkjarsystkin hans úr barnaskóla og vinir hans lýsa Eligo á þennan hátt: ,Hann var alltaf svo hógvær og góður strákur, var alltaf kurteis,, brosandi, og svo hjálpsamur. Við erum buguð af sorg”.
Bloggarinn Tom Stahl greinir frá: „Í byrjun júlí, á aðeins 24 tímum, féllu að minnsta kosti 11 orlofsgestir niður og dóu á ítölskum ströndum. Hversu mörg slík tilvik hafa komið upp sem ekki hefur verið greint frá í fréttum?

SADS ER = Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – þar sem tilraunasprautunum er kennt um.
Á meðan Ítalir búa sig undir sína fjórðu Covid „bóluefni“ sprautu, heldur fjöldi skyndilegra dauðsfalla áfram að hækka óhjákvæmilega – 11 til 60 ára, á aðeins síðustu klukkustundum.
Frá og með júlí 2022 hafa tæplega 48.7 milljónir manna á Ítalíu fengið tvo skammta af hinum umdeildu Covid „bóluefnum“, u.þ.b. 90,1 prósent allsíbúa eldri en 12 ára.
Að auki hafa þrir af hverjum fjórum Ítölum einnig fengið örvunarskotið. Þótt að Stahl segi það skýrt að hann vilji ekki rekja skyndileg og óvænt dauðsföll sjálfkrafa til tilrauna genasprautunnar, þá virðist þessi óútskýranlegi og skyndlegi fjöldi andláta fólksins vera honum mikið áhyggjuefni.
Nú þegar strandtímabilið er á næsta leyti er nýtt hjartnæmt fyrirbæri að eiga sér stað, heilbrigðir orlofsgestir deyja skyndilega sbr. “medical emergencies.” Um allan heim hrynja strandgestir á meðan þeir ganga á ströndinni eða synda.
Margir þeirra fá hjartastopp og deyja.Margir þeirra fá hjartastopp og deyja.
Dr. Pier Giorgio Paesano 52 ára kvensjúkdómalæknir er einn þeirra ellefu sem lést á umræddum sólarhring. Hann hné skyndilega niður og lést samstundis.
Bólusett systkin, bæði um tvítugt deyja bæði úr hjartastoppi með tveggja mánaða millibili. – Málinu hefur verið vísað til saksóknara á Ítalíu.
Systkinin Allesandro og Vittoria Campo voru framúrskarandi íþróttamenn.
Þýski fréttamiðilinn Unser Mittel Europa greinir frá: Á meðan Ítalir búa sig undir sína fjórðu Covid „bóluefni“ sprautu, heldur fjöldi skyndilegra dauðsfalla áfram að hækka óhjákvæmilega og það á aðeins síðustu klukkustundum.
Yngsta fórnarlambið er 22 ára.
The coast of Fondi, Italy:
Now that beach season is upon us, a new heartbreaking phenomenon is taking place, healthy vacationers dropping dead from sudden and unexpected “medical emergencies.”
Worldwide, beachgoers are collapsing while walking on the beach or swimming.
Many of them suffer cardiac arrest and die. Blogger Tom Stahl reports, “At the beginning of July, in just 24 hours, at least 11 vacationers dropped dead on Italian beaches.
” How many more cases occurred that have not been reported in the news?
As of July 2022, almost 48.7 million people in Italy have received two doses of the controversial Covid “vaccines,” roughly 90.1 percent of the total population over 12 years of age. Additionally, three out of four Italians have also received the booster shot.
While Stahl makes it clear that he does not want to automatically attribute the sudden and unexpected deaths to the experimental gene injections, the amounts of incidents seem worrying.
Medical emergencies on Italian beaches
On July 4, 2022, a 68-year-old man collapsed on the Seria river, and rescue workers could not revive him.
Silvi Marina, Italy
On July 4, 2022, a 72-year-old from Ortucchio, on vacation with his family in Silvi Marina, felt ill while swimming. The man flagged the lifeguards down, who brought him back to sure. Sadly the man died while being transported to the hospital.
Campania, Italy
On July 2, 2022, a healthy 67-year-old woman dropped dead on the shores of Campania. Two other people were saved after suffering sudden medical emergencies. The same day on Patrizia beach, rescuers were able to save 20-year-old suffering from respiratory arrest.
On July 3, a man suffered healthy man suffered a medical emergency in the water. He was saved by a nurse who performed a cardiac massage with a defibrillator. He was transported to the hospital, where he was treated.
Adda River, Italy
On July 3, 2022, A 36-year-old man from Senegal suffered asudden medical emergency while bathing on a beach along the Adda River.
The man was transported to the hospital but unfortunately died.
Basilicata, Italy
On July 4, 2022, a man died on the beach of Terzo Cavone after a sudden medical emergency. The media reports that he died after a sudden medical emergency.
Cala Liberotto, Italy
On July 4, 2022, a 79-year-old vacationer died while swimming after a sudden medical emergency. Resuscitation operations continued for a long time, but sadly, the woman could not be saved.
Marzocca di Senigallia, Italy
An 87-year-old tourist had an unexpected medical emergency while at sea in Senigallia and died. It happened in the morning at the seafront in Marzocca di Senigallia (Ancona). The man was in the water about ten meters from the shore when he collapsed.
The death list continues to grow
Meanwhile, the list of “unexplained deaths” and “sudden deaths” continues inexorably. This phenomenon is so common it even has its own acronym: SADS, for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
While Italians prepare for their fourth Covid “vaccine” injections, the count of sudden deaths continues to rise inexorably – 11 under 60 years old in the last hours.
The youngest victim was 22 years old; another was a 52-year-old doctor. All the deaths were “sudden and unexpected”:
- 52-year-old Doctor Pier Giorgio Paesano died
- 45-year-old Guardia Mangano died
- 59-year-old Giuseppe Bottani died
- 51-year-old Rachid Khlifa died
- 22-year-old Guardia Mangano dead
- 63-year-old man dead
- 53-year-old man dead
- 48-year-old man, Danny, dead
- 33-year-old Mauro Libralesso dead
- 30-year-old boy from Varese, Mattia dead
This article was first published on rairfoundation.com
About the author: Amy Mek is Investigative Journalist: Banned in parts of Europe, Wanted by Islamic countries, Threatened by terror groups, Hunted by left-wing media, Smeared by Hollywood elites & Fake religious leaders.
ADS = Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
4,416,778 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths
by Brian Shilhavy – Editor, Health Impact News
The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 45,316 fatalities, and 4,416,778 injuries following injections of five experimental COVID-19 shots:
- “Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”
A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here.
It is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.
Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.
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