“Í bókinni, Vaccination Condemned, eftir Eleanor McBean, PhD, N.D., lýsir höfundurinn, í smáatriðum, persónulegri reynslu og fjölskylduupplifunum í „spænsku flensunni“ 1918 heimsfaraldri.

Umfjöllun McBean um „spænsku flensuna“ árið 1918, sem fréttamaður og óbólusettur eftirlifandi, krefst þess að endurskoða þurfi sögulegan grundvöll atburðarins, ekki sem „samsæriskenningu“ heldur með sönnunargögnum sem munu láta mörgum „renna kalt vatn milli skinns og hörunds.“

Vaccination Condemned Book One  – by Eleanor McBean as Elben

Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History (History of Vaccination) by Trung Nguyen, Eleanor McBean, Sue Martson, Ida Honorof

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts about Vaccination by Eleanor McBean.

The Hidden Dangers in Polio Vaccine by Eleanor McBean.

Swine Flu Expose by Eleanor McBean

Vaccination The Silent Killer – A clear and present danger
By Ida Honorof and Eleanor McBean.
Hér er likur á eina af þessum bókum:

Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History

“Polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is NO proof Polio is caused by a virus. There is NO evidence that anyone caught polio from another person in the family. There is NO evidence that any nurse or doctor caught polio from a patient.” —Sheri Nakken, RN, MA

Listed below are public health statistics (U.S. Public Health Reports) from the four states which adopted compulsory vaccination, and the figures from Los Angeles, California (similar results in other states available from books listed at the back of this booklet):


1958: 119 cases of polio before compulsory shots
1959: 386 cases of polio after compulsory shots


1958: 17 cases of polio before compulsory shots
1959: 52 cases of polio after compulsory shots


1958: 45 cases of polio before compulsory shots
1959: 123 cases of polio after compulsory shots


1958: 78 cases of polio before compulsory shots
1959: 313 cases of polio after compulsory shots


1958: 89 cases of polio before shots
1959: 190 cases of polio after shots

The decline of smallpox, as with many other infectious diseases, including diphtheria and scarlet fever, coincided with the sanitation reforms which were instituted in the late 1880s. Where obtainable, government health records from around the world showed that during the periods of the most intense and widespread vaccination, the incidence of and death rates from smallpox were highest. For instance, in Kansas City and Pittsburgh during the 1920s, lawsuits were initiated, and won, against doctors and medical societies for declaring smallpox epidemics when there were none, and for creating epidemics with their vaccination drives.

Before 1903, smallpox was almost unknown in the Philippines, with occurrences in less than 3% of the population, and that in a mild form. The U.S. military went in and began vaccinating, and by 1905 the Philippines had its first major epidemic. Vaccination was made compulsory in 1910. From 1905 to 1923, the mortality rate ranged from 25-75%, depending on the count from the various islands. “The mortality rate was the highest in the cities where vaccination was most intense.” Dr. W.W. Keen reported 130,264 cases and 74,369 deaths from smallpox in 1921.

Japan adopted compulsory vaccinations in 1872 when they had only a few cases of smallpox. By 1892 they had the largest smallpox epidemic in their history with 165,774 cases and 29,979 deaths.

Australia banned the smallpox vaccine after some children were killed by it, and in the following 15 years in unvaccinated Australia there were only 3 cases of smallpox.

The smallpox vaccine was discontinued in the United States after Dr. Henry Kempe reported to Congress in 1966 that fewer people were dying from the disease than from vaccination.


532 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 21, 2018


Tiltölulega stutt er síðan menn voru hræddir við lífshættulega sjúkdóma í hinum vestræna heimi. Síðan þá hafa mörg lönd og landsvæði gengið í gegnum gríðarlegar breytingar, allt frá því að vera hálfgerð sjúkdómabæli yfir í að vera heilsusamlegir og nokkuð öruggir staðir. Dánartíðni af völdum allra smitsjúkdóma minnkaði stöðugt frá miðri 19.öld fram í byrjun 20.aldarinnar.

Saga þessa tímabils segir frá vosbúð, fátækt, óhreinindum, mengun, týndum lækningnum, mannbótarstefnu, hugmyndinni um persónulegt frelsi gegn ógnarvaldi ríkisins, mótmælum og handtökum á fólki sem neitaði að láta bólusetja sig.

Í dag er okkur sagt að framfarir læknavísindanna hafi lengt lífslíkur og upp á sitt einsdæmi komið í veg fyrir fjölda dauða og sjúkdóma.

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