Skilaboð frá dr. Simone Gold; Anthony Fauci viðurkennir að Covid var tilbúningur og fyrirsláttur til að ná völdum á þér -

Skilaboð frá dr. Simone Gold; Anthony Fauci viðurkennir að Covid var tilbúningur og fyrirsláttur til að ná völdum á þér

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Dear Sigurlaug,

A bombshell week.

Fauci admitted that Covid was a ruse in order to CONTROL YOU.

I’ve said this for the last few years, and paid an extremely high price for it. He can say it on CNN, and all is well. No questions asked. This not only shows the hypocrisy and lies, but the great need for AFLDS’ FRONTLINE NEWS website —committed to bringing you the unfiltered and unvarnished truth day in and day out.

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And speaking of news, I want to encourage you to visit AFLDS’ FRONTLINE FLASH short news video website.

One of our latest is particularly good and features Dr. Peterson Pierre. It’s called “No Good Reason to Jab Kids.” Here are the 6 reasons not to jab your kids:

1. The Vaccines are Experimental—not FDA approved.
2. The Vaccines are not safe—over 1 million adverse events have been recorded, and over 40,000 deaths…
3. The Vaccines are not effective—they don’t stop Covid and they don’t stop transmission…
4. The Vaccines are not necessary—natural immunity is far safer and more effective…
5. Omnicom is mild…
6. Kids under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the shot than they are to die from Covid if not vaccinated.

I encourage you to click below to check out FRONT LINE FLASH. This is news you won’t hear anywhere else unless you tune into FRONTLINE FLASH website.

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And, what about the phenomena happening across the world of Covid-19 vaxxed athletes falling ill, and some even dying, while competing.

Again, AFLDS’ FRONTLINE FLASH website continues to spells it out while the Main Stream Media continues to be silent and look the other way.

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But here is an announcement the Main Stream Media could not ignore: Mask Mandates are banished.

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And let me introduce you to the attorney who freed 320 million Americans from the tyranny of lockdowns, my friend George Wentz! Way to go George!

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Simone Gold Signature

Simone Gold, MD, JD
America’s Frontline Doctors
The Trusted Name for Independent Information

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©2022 America’s Frontline Doctors – A Project of The Free Speech Foundation, a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization. All contributions are tax-deductible. Text “AFLDS” to 80990 to receive up to the minute communications. | Post Office Box 131808, Houston, TX 77219-1808

Has anyone seen this yet?

From MicrobeTV channel: Video of Vincent Racaniello speaking with Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance. TWiV 615: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance

Peter Dasac says:
  • At 29:50 “You can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily”.
  • At 30:08 “We work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this”.

The Nipah Virus International Conference was held from 9 to 10 December 2019 at Park Royal Hotel at Beach Road, Singapore. This 2-day conference was co-organised by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Duke-NUS Medical School, WHO and NIH.
The conference was held on the 20th anniversary of the discovery of Nipah virus in 1999 and the outbreaks in Malaysia and Singapore.  This international meeting aims to bring together scientists peter clinicians to review the historic outbreaks and discuss the latest epidemiology studies, vaccines and therapeutics developments in Nipah virus research.
Watch the interview here:–w
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