How The Media Lies & Manipulates You about the situation in Ukraine

Udo Ulfkotte was the editor of one of Europe’s largest newspapers, the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung. A few years ago Udo confessed to the world that journalists worldwide are paid by the CIA, the secret societies, the governments and the billionaires.
. . .always lie, and never tell the truth to the public.
Udo Ulfkotte was the editor of one of Europe’s largest newspapers, the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung.
A few years ago he confessed to the world that journalists worldwide are paid by the CIA, secret societies, governments, billionaires etc. to… always lie, and never tell the truth to the public.
This newspaper editor confessed that journalists are paid to push for war with Russia! That’s where Ulfkotte drew the line.
After lying to the public for over 25 years, he could no longer live with his conscience.
He publicly confessed his guilt, and exposed the worldwide criminal media cartel, that steers humanity to its doom.
Shortly after his confession, Udo Ulfkotte was found dead. Listen to his confession in this video:
Vinir Bidens í Úkraínu: „Nýnasista-Azov herfylkingin“ – þekkt fyrir hrottalegar árásir á innflytjendur, sígauna og transvestíta
Fáir af vinum Bidens í Úkraínu tilheyra fjölskyldu miskunsama Samverjans. Í staðinn eru raunverulega hrottafengnir böðlar í vinahópi Bidens. Einn vinahópurinn er nýnasista-Azov herfylkingin, sem tengist ofbeldisfullum grimmdarverkum gegn innflytjendum, sígaunum og transvestítum í Úkraínu. Í síðustu viku greindi NBC frá undirbúningi Úkraínu undir innrás Rússa.
Nýnasistar þjálfa fólk og sum sveitarfélög „munu taka málin í eigin hendur“
2000, JD in Law, Kyiv National Economic University. 1997-2003, Actor, Screenwriter, Creative Director, stand-up comedy contest team Quarter-95. 2003-11, Artistic Director, Studio Kvartal-95. 2011-12, General Producer, TV Channel Inter. 2013-19, Artistic Director, Studio Kvartal-95. Founder, NGO The League of Laughter Youth Center.
Has held no elected posts. Movie career includes 10 feature films, over 30 accolades of the Ukrainian National TV Awards Teletriumph and multiple prizes of the international movie and television festivals and media forums. Played the lead role in “The Servant of the People” TV series that won the WorldFest Remi Award (USA, 2016) and made the comedy film finalist short-list of the Seoul International Drama Awards (South Korea).
“The Servant of the People” also won the Intermedia Globe SILVER award in the Entertainment TV Show category at the WorldMediaFestival in Hamburg (Germany).
From the very beginning of hostilities in Donbas, together with the Studio Kvartal-95 colleagues, assisted the army by sending money and equipment, and visited the frontline and military units with concerts.
Political independent. On 21 April 2019, won the regular election with 73.22% of the vote and on 20 May 2019, was sworn-in as the President of Ukraine.
- An image from a 2010 movie is published as if it was taken in Ukraine…
A girl suffering from a bombing in Syria in 2018, is shown today as if she was hurt during bombings in Ukraine.
- 2016 photo is used to stir up emotions, while it has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine…
- A picture from a gas explosion in 2018 is used to show the ‘destruction caused in Ukraine by Russia’.
- The lady shown with a blood covered face, is a famous crisis actor, who appears in dozens of images of ‘disasters’. Pure theatre…
Another scene from a movie, is used to ‘report’ on what is happening in Ukraine…
- Another explosion from 2015 is used by CNN to create the illusion of a current explosion in Ukraine…
- An Israeli news agency broadcasts supposed footage from the Ukraine war zone. Turns out they used a scene from a Star Wars movie…
- Quick Overview How The Media Manipulates You
✔︎ Putin calls for the return to God, and His values, which is the exact opposite of the cabal, who serve the realm of darkness.
✔︎ Putin has been condemning the rise of perversion, which is the exact opposite of the cabal, who push for perversion.
✔︎ Putin has been taking a bold stand against globalism and the New World Order, making him an obstacle for their plans.
✔︎ That’s why the cabal has been paying journalists in America and Europe, trying to cause war with Russia.
✔︎ The cabal has seized Ukraine and made it a stronghold for their operations, which is a major threat for Russia.
✔︎ Putin has removed missile launching stations and bioweapon labs, that were positioned along the border with Russia.
✔︎ Ukraine is a hub for neo-Nazism, where children are trained to become terrorists.
✔︎ Ukrainian fighters brag about having fun killing people, and how Ukraine will become “a concern for the whole world”.
✔︎ Ukraine has been deeply in bed with the cabal, and Biden is a striking example of this.
✔︎ The US Deep State handpicked the Ukraine government, making it a puppet government in the hands of criminals.
✔︎ For decades the cabal has tried to cause a nuclear war with Russia, to destroy this nation.
✔︎ Now once again the cabal media worldwide is calling for war against Russia, which shows they want to destroy the nation.
✔︎ The media lies about Russia, in order to get the public opinion on their side, when they attack them.
What Big Media is also hiding from the world, is how children are being trained in Ukraine to become terrorists, on the model of ISIS! The famous “AZOV Battalion”, a group of Nazis operating in Ukraine for many years, was funded by the last governments in Kyiv.
- The dangerous rise of Nazism and fascism in Ukraine is illustrated in this video, where a large group of teenagers are Shanting the following lines: ‘Heil Ukraine, Death to the enemies, Heil Ukraine, Hang the Russians, Ukraine above all!, Ukraine above all else!
- What Big Media is also hiding from the world, is how children are being trained in Ukraine to become terrorists, on the model of ISIS!
- The famous “AZOV Battalion”, a group of Nazis operating in Ukraine for many years, was funded by the last governments in Kyiv.
Úkraína til rússneskra hermanna: „Ykkur verður slátrað eins og svínum“
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