New spike study about all the treatment methods that could potentially work with regard to detox spike from the body. -The most comprehensive list I have seen, which is also so solidly supported by scientific evidence -

New spike study about all the treatment methods that could potentially work with regard to detox spike from the body. -The most comprehensive list I have seen, which is also so solidly supported by scientific evidence

by Peter Hansen

New spike study from Monday, about all the treatment methods that could potentially work with regard to detox spike from the body.

Ingen tilgængelig billedbeskrivelse.

This is – so far – the most comprehensive list I have seen, which is also so solidly supported by scientific evidence. Remember that I have a section with several sources of potential treatments in my spike paper – where this study is also now to be found on pages 140-161

Another new spike study. and

Prof. Retsef Levi. Og jeg vil da mene at vi har nok hændelser inkl. whistleblowere fra Israel, til at sandsynliggøre, at der nok i mindre grad er tale om en ignorering, og i højre grad er tale om bevidst bedrag.

Kritik /debunk af et studie fra den Israelske Sundhedsministerie, fra forrige måned:…/reports/cardiovascular-corona-vaccine

Kan være et billede af 1 person og tekst, der siger "Andrew Bostom, MD, @andrewbostom Cross-reactive T-cell immunity protection against covid-19 in young children via previous, highly prevalent OC43 common cold-causing coronavirus infection NAS that many children S-CoV-2 These cells age two have highly functio characterized by the expres pitory molecules. From age six, the frequencies and immunity wane, particularly the cross-reactive SARS-CoV-2 immunity against adults. In rtance neously characterized OC43-specific mCD4+ cell only for COVID-19 and vaccination outco profiles used by existing and emerging pathogens. The distir the responding mCD4+ cells tem development studies are needed utcomes childhood and subsequent contribution OVID-19 in children and the elderly. 5,491"

New cross-immunity study from last month.

Ergo, another argument that you shouldn’t have quacksined someone who was already cross-immune, without having investigated this first (besides people under 70 without comorbidities not being at risk of serious disease, and all the rest).

But it would have probably cost a lot, and probably less than the Mink scandal separately or the™ equally pointless mass testing, alone.

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Sigurlaug Ragnarsdóttir
Sigurlaug Ragnarsdóttir
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✞༺(((( Ⓒilla ℜągnąℜṧ )))༻♚༺ BA Classical Art Historian || MA Culture & Media || Tourism & Sales Management || Web Design || Photo & Videographer for Tourism Magasins ༻