New spike study about all the treatment methods that could potentially work with regard to detox spike from the body. -The most comprehensive list I have seen, which is also so solidly supported by scientific evidence
mars 25, 2023 - 11:38 e.h.
by Peter Hansen
New spike study from Monday, about all the treatment methods that could potentially work with regard to detox spike from the body.
This is – so far – the most comprehensive list I have seen, which is also so solidly supported by scientific evidence. Remember that I have a section with several sources of potential treatments in my spike paper – where this study is also now to be found on pages 140-161
Another new spike study. and
Prof. Retsef Levi. Og jeg vil da mene at vi har nok hændelser inkl. whistleblowere fra Israel, til at sandsynliggøre, at der nok i mindre grad er tale om en ignorering, og i højre grad er tale om bevidst bedrag.
New cross-immunity study from last month.
Ergo, another argument that you shouldn’t have quacksined someone who was already cross-immune, without having investigated this first (besides people under 70 without comorbidities not being at risk of serious disease, and all the rest).
But it would have probably cost a lot, and probably less than the Mink scandal separately or the™ equally pointless mass testing, alone.
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