80 Doctors are dead in just months after hospitals mandated the Poisonous. - How many more doctors and nurses need to die before they speak up? - mittval.is

80 Doctors are dead in just months after hospitals mandated the Poisonous. – How many more doctors and nurses need to die before they speak up?

80 Doctors are dead in just months after hospitals mandated the Poisonous.

Even they were sold the illusion that they were safe and effective.


19 Oct 2022 Consultant Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra speaks to Laura Ingraham on Fox News ahead of presenting his peer reviewed research findings to MPs in the British Parliament.

Vaxxed Cardiologist: Suspend mRNA Product Now ‘I find it very difficult to believe that Pfizer executives didn’t know this was going to cause significant harm’ ‘If this is the case then this is a global scandal’

Interview here youtu.be/cF73gk_4ex4



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